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GAO Audit Tracker
(master menu system)

Client: Missile Defense Agency (MDA/PII) and General Accounting Office (GAO)

An XML-based web menu system that reaches into various shared folders to pull multiple pieces of information into a web browser-base central display and management utility. The menu was maintained by the users. Used to track the status of various GAO audits that were regularly run at MDA.

Typical View

I was really only responsible for creating a menu system that was built from an XML data file. The folks that managed this mini-Web just edited the standard XML file instead of messing with HTML. The sub-menus can be toggled open or closed as needed.

The secondary menu along the top of the right side of the screen was also automatically generated from the XML data as needed.

The POAM in this screen capture is a PowerPoint version.

It may not seem all that special, but it is one of my projects that was heavily used at MDA.