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Integrated Management Plan Demo (IMP Demo)

Client: Missile Defense Agency/Program Integration (MDA/PII)

A proposal for creating an interactive visual display of the entire MDA Integrated Management Plan. For the demo we focused only on the Airborne Laser (ABL) Project. Uses Flash to generate a flow-chart and grabs data exported from Microsoft Project. We didn't expect to have access to a web server for this project so all data adjustments would have occurred within Microsoft Access (which talks nicely to MS Project).

Main Window

The top area (#1) shows the overview of the ABL Program.

The selection reticule (#2) can be dragged to any part of the overview area.

The bottom area (#3) displays a magnified view of the area defined by the selection reticule. This view gives more detail for each of the key entries on the chart. Hovering the mouse over an entry (#4) displays specific details in the #5 area. Clicking on an entry displays the diagram related to that item...

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